Fact check: Electric vehicles do not strain Louisville power grid

2022-07-23 08:03:48 By : Mr. Jay Sun

As the sun continues its battering of Louisville and Southern Indiana, which included a prolonged and record-breaking heat wave, fears of power outages from overuse of the grid have become increasingly prominent.

The Courier Journal previously reported rolling blackouts are possible, though unlikely, in Southern Indiana. Meanwhile, there is almost no possibility of them this summer in Louisville, according to LG&E and Kentucky Utilities.

Meanwhile, there have been some concerns on social media that people plugging their electric vehicles into charging stations could lead to outages.

"That's a far-fetched notion," said Daniel Lowry, media relations manager for LG&E and KU. "Electric vehicles pose no threat to our system and no threat to our customers, both in the short term and in the long term. So I really don't understand those concerns."

Lowry said right now, there aren't many electric vehicles in Kentucky — less than 4,000 as of April 2022, as well as just over 200 charging stations as of January (Tennessee has over 900). Concerns that electric vehicles could damage the grid, he emphasized, are misplaced.

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The average electric vehicle takes 30 kilowatt-hours to travel 100 miles. LG&E generates 8,000 megawatt-hours every single day. Even if all 4,000 EVs in Kentucky charged using LG&E's grid on the same day, which is incredibly unrealistic, it would still make up only 1.5% of the power grid's capacity.

He said LG&E is heavily in favor of expanding electric vehicle usage, and he said the company is actively pushing for more charging stations to be built.

To better inform the public on the realities of electric vehicle use, LG&E has a "Top 5 Reasons to Go Electric" page on its website. The list notes EVs average over 200 miles of driving per charge, some used EVs now cost as little as $15,000, they don't require maintenance work like oil changes or swapping out spark plugs, and money spent powering an electric vehicle is the equivalent of spending less than $1 per gallon on gas. 

Lowry also made sure to note that even as time passes, and even if many more electric vehicles start to use the grid, they would never use enough power to cause outages. It's not a valid concern, he said.

Read more:How rolling blackouts could affect Louisville and Indiana amid heat wave

"Electric vehicles are great," he said. "And they're going to continue to grow. That's probably the wave of the future."

David Reichmuth, a senior engineer in the Union of Concerned Scientists' Clean Transportation Program, said claims about electric vehicles sucking too much power from the grid are frustrating.

"We need to make the transition from gasoline and diesel cars to electric cars to stop climate change and air pollution," Reichmuth said. "We need to."

According to data from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), emissions from cars and trucks alone accounts for roughly one-fifth of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, at roughly 24 pounds of carbon dioxide per gallon. Nineteen of those pounds per gallon result directly from tailpipe emissions — how often we drive. Just one person driving one natural gas-powered car emits an average of 4.6 metric tons of CO2 every year.

For more on EVs:Electric car battery maker Envision to build plant, create thousands of jobs in Kentucky

For both Reichmuth and Sarah Lynn Cunningham, executive director of Louisville Climate Action Network, part of the problem is that many people just don't know anyone with an EV, and therefore can't compare what they hear in the media with the experiences of their neighbors and friends. 

Cunningham drives a 2018 Tesla Model 3.

She leaves her car plugged in to charge overnight, which is outside the time windows Lowry said the power grid is under the most pressure: the late afternoon. For people with lingering doubts about EVs, Cunningham urged them to question where those doubts came from in the first place, especially when many of them have been debunked.

"I recognize there are a lot of people who fear change," Cunningham said. "But why exactly are you clinging so tightly to the idea of being dependent upon these harmful sources of energy and consistently growing bills for the rest of your life?

Reichmuth encouraged  people to be aware of the history of where claims against EVs originate.

The documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?" shows this trend going back to the 1990s. The publication Elektrek revealed that a Koch Brothers lobbying group was instrumental in pushing a claim that EVs use "dirty electricity." A report from Politico tracks efforts from oil companies to block legislation to make EVs more affordable. One Harvard historian released a timeline documenting how Exxon lied about the effects of its product.

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And in October 2021, the CEOs of BP, Exxon, Shell and Chevron were asked by Congress, under oath, if they would leave the lobbying group American Petroleum Institute if the group continued to spread false claims about EVs. They all declined to answer. 

"The transition to EVs is going to happen, and so now the opponents of that are just trying to delay that transition." Reichmuth said. "I guess it's your choice if you want to believe in what is happening in real life, or an oil company."

Based on our research, the claim that electric cars in any way pose a threat to the power grid is 100% false. 

Reach reporter Thomas Birmingham @TBirmingham@gannett.com and follow him on Twitter @cthomasbirm.