14 ways to save on gasoline: Strategies to go to the pumps less often | Entertainment/Life | theadvocate.com

2022-07-30 08:31:03 By : Ms. CIndy Liu

Tony Bonneval pumps gas into his truck on Causeway Boulevard in Metairie on Wednesday, June 22, 2022.(Photo by Brett Duke, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate)

Tony Bonneval pumps gas into his truck on Causeway Boulevard in Metairie on Wednesday, June 22, 2022.(Photo by Brett Duke, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate)

You may have heard the joke about a fast food meal costing $100 because of how much gasoline you burned in the drive-thru line.

You may not have found it funny.

Perhaps you'll appreciate some ways the U.S. Department of Energy suggests you can spend less this summer.

• Turn off your engine when parked for more than 10 seconds. Idling burns a quarter to a half gallon of fuel per hour, depending on engine size and air conditioner use.

• Avoid speeding, rapid acceleration and hard braking. Aggressive driving can lower highway gasoline mileage by 15% to 30% and city mileage by 10% to 40%. In the city, that’s between $0.46 and $1.86 per gallon.

• Slow down. Gasoline mileage drops rapidly above 50 mph. Every 5 mph above 50 mph is like paying 33 cents more per gallon of gasoline.

• Place items inside the car or trunk rather than on roof racks to reduce drag, which can decrease fuel economy by up to 8% in city driving and up to 25% at highway speeds.

• Don’t carry heavy items unless you need them. Every extra 100 pounds in a vehicle could increase gasoline costs by up to 5 cents per gallon.

• Check into telecommuting, carpooling, public transit and active transportation like bicycling or walking to save on fuel and car maintenance costs

*All cost estimates assume an average price of $4.65 per gallon.

It makes driving bearable in south Louisiana summers, but it’s a big drag on fuel efficiency. But there are ways to save money.

• Drive with the windows open for a short time to expel hot air from the cabin before turning on the AC. This will put less demand on the AC and help your vehicle cool faster. Most AC systems will cool the vehicle faster while driving.

• Don't set the temperature lower than needed.

• Park in the shade or use a sunshade so the cabin doesn't get as hot.

• Use the manufacturer-recommended grade of oil. Using a different grade of motor oil can lower your gasoline mileage by 1% to 2%.

• Inflate your tires to the pressure listed in the vehicle owner's manual or on a sticker in the glove box or driver's side door jamb. (This may differ from the maximum pressure listed on your tire's sidewall.)

• Get regular maintenance checks to avoid fuel economy problems due to worn spark plugs, dragging brakes, sagging belts, low transmission fluid or transmission problems. Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve mileage up to 40%.

• Don't ignore the check-engine light — it can alert you to problems that affect fuel economy as well as more serious problems.

A popular theory is that it’s better to buy gasoline early in the morning rather than in the heat of the day because gasoline expands when heated, so it’s denser and contains more energy per gallon than later in the day.

Consumer Reports magazine throws cold water on that idea, noting that filling stations store gasoline in underground tanks, where the temperature isn’t affected by the day’s heat.

A surer way to get the most for your money is to buy gasoline where it’s cheapest. Gasoline apps can help you find the best deals near you. 

Email George Morris at gmorris@theadvocate.com.

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