Where to find the cheapest gas in Greater Sacramento region | abc10.com

2022-06-21 08:49:22 By : Ms. Mary Xiang

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. — As gas prices reach a record high in California, residents are left wondering where they can find the cheapest gas to alleviate the pain felt at the pump.

According to the American Automobile Association [AAA], the average price of gas in California is $6.22. Comparatively, the national average price of gas is $4.71.

The average price of gas in California is about 15 cents more than it was a week ago and about 48 cents more than it was a month ago, according to AAA.

There are steps you can take to make an old car, truck or SUV perform better, go farther and perhaps save some money on fuel:

— Make sure there’s enough air in the tires. Underinflated tires create more rolling resistance with the pavement, thereby reducing gas mileage. Inflate your tires to the pressure recommended on the inside of your driver’s side door. Check them periodically with a tire pressure gauge. “Typically, your gas mileage is going to be impacted by about 5% to 10% if you don’t have proper inflation,” said David Bennett, manager of repair systems for AAA. But don’t over-inflate. Doing so could cause tires to wear out more quickly.

— Properly maintain your vehicle. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil and other fluid changes and for replacing air and other filters. Replacing spark plugs at the proper intervals can help, too. “The vehicle is going to operate at its peak efficiency” with good maintenance, Bennett said. It will cost between $235 and $289 for new spark plugs on, say, a 10-year-old Ford F-150 pickup with a 4.6-liter V8, according to Repairpal.com.

— Watch your speed. AAA says fuel economy peaks around 50 miles per hour on most vehicles, then drops as speed rises. Reducing highway speeds by 5 mph (8 kilometers per hour) to 10 mph improves gas mileage by up to 14%.

— Plan your route in advance. Try to minimize backtracking. Do multiple tasks on each trip. Avoid rush hours and other peak travel times.

— Don’t idle too much. An engine burns one-quarter to a half-gallon (1.9 liters) of gas per hour when idling, but a warm engine needs only around 10 seconds worth of fuel to restart, according to AAA. So when safely possible, shut your engine off if you’ll be stopped for more than a minute. Many new vehicles do this on their own. Bennett says owners shouldn’t disable their new “stop-start” system.

— Coast to stop lights. Time your travel to keep rolling and avoid unnecessary stops. Cars consume a lot of fuel to get moving from a dead stop.

— Fill up with gasoline designated as “Top Tier.” Oil companies put additives in Top Tier gas that cuts carbon deposits. “As you start getting carbon buildup, the vehicle will not be running as efficiently,” Bennett said. Gasoline brands with additives have stickers on the pumps. They can be found HERE.

Watch more from ABC10: Five million Californians expected to travel during Memorial Day weekend despite gas prices

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